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An Interview With Healer Helen Lawson

Helen Lawson is a Clairvoyant, Healer and Spiritual Guide. She is also a Usui and Karuna Reiki Master and uses her gifts and knowledge to heal people for their peace of mind and body. Today I have interviewed her.

How did it all begin, please tell us your story?

As a child I realised very quickly I was slightly different. I could see colours around people which I later found out was actually their Aura and I had a strong sixth  sense of what people were feeling or if they had any illness etc  I started to see and feel the spirit world at a young age and had a keen interest in learning the Tarot cards and Crystal ball Scrying, infact I used to say anything paranormal is completely normal to me

I started to experience heat coming from hands when I touched people and knew I had the ability to channel healing energy through my physical body.  

I began to heal everyone around me and developed my sixth sense even further which enabled me to work with people on a higher frequency  and even see into their future. 

I worked throughout the UK and The channel Islands gaining life experience and using my gifts to help people, then I started doing it for a living ten years ago and have helped hundreds of people over the years .

What kind of people can benefit from this?

I have people that come from all walks of life , some come for a Tarot Reading for curiosity or Guidance and I help to shine a light on their path , some are very depressed and need an alternative from the mainstream medication and my healing helps to lift depression some are very poorly and some are just stressed from the modern day living , but they all benefit , I have had amazing results with all of my healing treatments and my customers are always happier and more balanced from when they first came to see me .

How rewarding does it feel to be healing people? 

I cannot tell you how rewarding it is helping people I look at the modern world and often think if more people had healing they would be happier and healthier and the world would be a better place , you don’t need to carry emotional stress or baggage with you and my rewards come from seeing my customers look and feel better and this gives them the tools to live a healthier lifestyle .  If I was born with these gifts then I want to use them in the best way I can and that is helping others

How do you answer to people who find it hard to believe that someone’s mere touch can heal another human being?

Some people ask me if it’s the placebo affect and that by me saying they will feel better then they will , well my answer to that is you can heal a dying a plant and a plant doesnt understand placebo does it ? I often say to skeptics you don’t have to believe just accept this wonderful healing energy and feel the benefits afterwards

What message would you like to give people who find it hard to tolerate artificial and fake people.

My message is let everyone live and let live and as long as you know you are real and doing your best in life then you wont be affected by any one  else’s negativity

How can people contact you?

I have a website

I have an online diary where people can book in themselves. My waiting list is over 7 months

My email address and telephone number are all on the website

I have a strong following on social media facebook and twitter all this can be found on my website

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