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How To Drink 8 Glasses Of Water EveryDay

how to drink 8 glasses of water

Water is the most important thing that your body needs. About 70% of your body is water, so all your organs need water to work. Water also helps keep the blood circulation normal.

Water is important for a healthy looking skin, I can’t stress enough how important water is for your body.

My Story

Before moving to UK, I used to live in Pakistan where we have all 4 seasons. Summer/hot weather is the largest part of the year. Drinking water in Pakistan is a very normal thing because sweating makes you drink water. Sweating is good for health as it keeps your skin hydrated and exposed to natural oils.

When I moved to UK, trust me, I never felt thirsty or the need to drink water. It effected my skin, my heart rate and my concentration to do day to day tasks. Even in Summers I don’t feel thirsty. I don’t know why.

When I visited Pakistan 5 years later in the month of October, which is relatively a pleasant month, it was horribly hot for me. 5 years of not drinking water finally back fired.

So I decided to drink water to avoid such a situation again. As I didn’t feel thirsty I made drinking water a little exciting.

How To Drink 8 Glasses of Water Everyday

For the easiest way to drink 8 glasses of water;

You Will Need


  1. Fill half of the pint glass with hot water.
  2. Put a bag of infusion tea in it.
  3. Squeeze all the flavor out of the tea bag and throw it away.
  4. Add a table spoon of honey or as much as you prefer.
  5. Fill the rest of the glass with cold water.
  6. Sit down and drink the water in 5-6 breathes.
  7. Do this 4 times a day.
    1. Before breakfast (on an empty stomach),
    2. Before lunch,
    3. Tea time (replace tea with water)
    4. Before dinner.

And you feel the difference. Warm water is good for health. Its more effective for a healthy glowing skin .

Do you have any more ideas to easily drink 8 glasses of water everyday? Comment below.


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